
The Fall of Münster

Stuart Murray Williams examines the infamous incident at Münster and provides resources for a response.

Type: Article

Introducing the Anabaptists

Who were the original Anabaptists and how did the movement emerge?

Type: Article

Church Planting: An Anabaptist Perspective

An article written for French Mennonite Journal, Christ Seul.

Type: Article

Why did the Early Church grow?

Quotations from Early Church writings on several themes, selected by Alan Kreider.

Type: Article

Why Did Dirk Willems Turn Back?

An article that reflects on the issues raised by perhaps the most famous Anabaptist story.

Type: Article

Abolishing the Laity: an Anabaptist perspective

It is a vision of a liberated people, each serving one another and the world through exercising the gifts that God’s Spirit has given them.

Type: Article