
Harvest: An Anabaptist Resource

A background and a collection of resources relating to Anabaptist Harvest celebrations.

Type: Liturgy

Remembering the Martyrs: The Trial of Michael Sattler

An introduction and creative liturgy ideas focussing on the trial of this first-generation Anabaptist leader.

The Feast of Fools

This resource contains liturgical and teaching material for churches or communities that want to celebrate the Feast of Fools.

A Kitchen Evangelist: Margaret Hellwart

A sample of the dramatized readings of early Anabaptist stories created by Alan and Eleanor Kreider.

Type: Liturgy

Feetwashing in the Church of the Brethren

A liturgy taken from For All Who Minister: A Worship Manual for the Church of the Brethren.

Type: Liturgy

Communion Service with Feetwashing

A liturgy from the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches.

Type: Liturgy