Fading Christendom

Some years ago, Urban Expression in partnership with the Anabaptist Network and Bristol Baptist College ran several webinars. These were hosted and recorded by the Church of the Brethren in the US.

The Christendom culture that dominated Europe for centuries and transposed itself with great success into many other nations was undoubtedly a brilliant achievement. It was also brutal, suppressing dissent and extended its influence through violence as well as persuasion, but it has left a remarkable legacy in all walks of life and most areas of society. As Christendom fades, should we grieve or celebrate its passing? What resources should we carry with us into post-Christendom, and what baggage should we leave behind?

Stuart Murray Williams, the author of Post-Christendom and Church after Christendom, is also the series editor of the ‘After Christendom’ series. He is a trainer/consultant working under the auspices of the Anabaptist Network, director of the Centre for Anabaptist Studies at Bristol Baptist College and one of the coordinators of Urban Expression.

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