Volunteer Offer

October 13, 2020

The AMN has received the following message and agreed to pass it along to our networks. Please use the contact form on this website if you would like us to put you in touch.

I am enrolled in university in Paris, in conference interpretation, but I am taking this semester off for language enhancement. I am ready to go almost immediately although I’ll probably need to self-quarantine a fortnight upon arrival to the UK. I am hoping to stay until mid-January 2021, but I am open to a shorter stay as well.

I have worked in the past with refugee and migrant populations in Canada and in Mexico, and accompanied young adults and vulnerable adults (mental disabilities, recovering from burnouts etc). I prefer not to work with children if possible although I enjoy their company. I thrive in urban settings.

I am open to any type of arrangement although free accommodation would be a great relief as I am not making a living wage right now and live of my small savings.

Beyond volunteering, I would like to get to know Anabaptists in the UK and get involved in the network in any capacity possible. I spent a few months at the London Mennonite Centre as a baby and my mother was a friend of Alan and Eleanor Kreider but I have never had the opportunity to connect with the British anabaptist community myself.