In an earlier post we shared that one of our partners, Urban Expression, had reached the milestone of 25 years as an organisation. They have now produced an impact report which tells the story of their journey, Stuart Murray Williams writes:
Urban Expression celebrated our 25th anniversary in 2022. We began in 1997 during the so-called Decade of Evangelism. Church planting was high on the agenda in many denominations, but most of this was taking place in affluent areas where there were already many churches. Urban Expression began as an experiment to find ways of incarnating the gospel creatively in some marginalised urban neighbourhoods. We did not expect to still be going in 2022!
This is the first Impact Report we have produced. It is our attempt to reflect on our activities, achievements, struggles and ongoing challenges. To invite friends and fellow-travellers to celebrate with us, and to hold ourselves accountable to those who have supported us (and sometimes criticised us) through the years.