Reading the Bible after Christendom

Some years ago, Urban Expression in partnership with the Anabaptist Network and Bristol Baptist College ran several webinars. These were hosted and recorded by the Church of the Brethren in the US.

The Bible is regarded as a classic of Western civilization but today is hardly read and its contents are not well known. Christendom used primarily the Old Testament as a foundation for statecraft and marginalised the teachings of Jesus. This webinar will draw from Lloyd’s book with the same title and will explore ways of reading the Bible that take seriously the teaching and example of Jesus.

Lloyd Pietersen has a PhD from Sheffield in Biblical Studies and has written extensively on the Pastoral Epistles. He is currently writing a book on the spirituality of the Pastorals. He was formerly Senior Lecturer in New Testament Studies at the University of Gloucestershire and is currently a Research Fellow at Bristol Baptist College and serves on the Steering Group of the Centre for Anabaptist Studies.

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