The Anabaptist tradition has always been associated with a commitment to peace and justice, but only recently have issues of racism and colonialism been addressed with the same level of concern as other dimensions of violence and injustice. Two stimuli have been the Black Lives Matter movement, which gained greater traction during 2020 and highlighted afresh many aspects of racial injustice, and increasing recognition of the legacy of colonialism and the impact of Mennonite migration on Indigenous people in North America.
We offer here a selection of books and articles that address some of these issues from an Anabaptist perspective. The articles are all from Issue 7 of the online journal, Anabaptist Witness.
Edwards, Dennis: Might from the Margins: The Gospel’s Power to Turn the Tables on Injustice (Harrisonburg: Herald Press, 2020)
Hart, Drew: Trouble I’ve Seen: changing the way the church views racism (Harrisonburg: Herald Press, 2016)
Hart, Drew: Who will be a Witness (Harrisonburg: Herald Press, 2020)
Heinrichs, Steve and Adrian Jacobs: ‘A Community of Creation, A Calling to Friendship’ Anabaptist Witness 7.2 (2020), pp159-164
Heinrichs, Steve: Unsettling the Word: Biblical Experiments in Decolonization (Maryknoll: Orbis, 2019)
Janzen, Rebecca: ‘Land Conflict in Mexico between Mennonite Colonies and Their Neighbors’ Anabaptist Witness 7.2 (2020), pp25-44
Miller, Devon: ‘Turning Ploughshares into Swords. An Ethnohistory of Violence’ Anabaptist Witness 7.2 (2020), pp135-152
Moore, Osheta: Dear White Peacemakers: Dismantling Racism with Grit and Grace (Harrisonburg: Herald Press, 2021)
Welch, Skot and Rick Wilson: Plantation Jesus: Race, Faith, and a New Way Forward (Harrisonburg: Herald Press, 2018)
Wong, Pak Nung: Discerning the Powers in Post-Colonial Africa and Asia: A Treatise on Christian Statecraft (New York: Springer, 2016)
Yum, Hyejung Jessie: ‘A Postcolonial Response to Felipe Hinojosa’s Latino Mennonites’ Anabaptist Witness 7.2 (2020), pp193-197
Yum, Hyejung Jessie: ‘Unsettling the Radical Witness of Peace: A Decolonizing Investigation of Mennonite Migration from Russia to Manitoba in the 1870s’Anabaptist Witness 7.2 (2020), pp93-113